Tuesday, 17 March 2020

news & online media (lesson 7)

A-Level Media Year 2                         News and On-Line Media

As you have all worked so hard this term, today will be a gentle stroll through the world of on-line newspaper websites, however there is a small but rather important task attached as outlined below.

You need to select three different stories from any newspaper web-site you like. However, the three different stories must fit into the following categories.
One International (world) story
One National (UK) Story
One Celebrity story

I want you find out as much information as you can about these stories today. Look at other news sites. Are they reporting the same story, are they reporting it in the same way, from the same angle?

How are we discussing the story, what comments are we leaving, what discussions are being created about the stories?

It is crucial that you find and complete an initial report on each story in the lesson today.

The reason being, I then want you to come back in two weeks’ time and see if you can follow the story. Is it still in the news, what has happened, any developments, can you find any trace of the story, how have we reacted to it, impacted upon it?

International Story

UK Story

Celebrity Story

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